EngStefanie Stanislawski

Leading Digital Transformation in People Ops and HR for 10+ years



Founder and Sr Product Manager with 10+ years of experience using technology, digital practices and an agile framework to transform how companies operate with special interest in a company's most important asset: TALENT.
From recruitment to engagement, I have done it all in a way no one else has.
How to find the best people using innovation and technology to increase your reach and effectiveness. How to build a global online training platform to increase the chances of success of your employees. How to measure and improve your employees' engagement using algorithms and machine learning technology. How to target your message to attract people from the different generations and cultures.
I am passionate about changing the Human Resources approach for good.
I have been a speaker in multiple scenarios across the world, including Ted Talk. I care about being an example for future generations so I am especially proactive in participating in Universities, giving presentations to younger women about female leadership in STEM.
I am a working mom, always looking to set the example in how to grow professionally and personally, helping companies develop flexible policies.

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