Rebecca-Marie Hundschell

Putting on a customer-centric lens unlocks the power of disruptive technology and innovation.



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Gen Z from a start-up environment meets 6 years of professional experience in industrial concern.
Business Administration meets Business Informatics.
Conservative Hardware-Acquisition meets Mobility intrapreneurship project.

My CV is filled with antonyms, but at the same time - exactly that is my USP!

With my extensive practical experience, I speak about why entrepreneurial thinking and customer centricity are essential for the sustainable success of companies in the era of AI and digitization. I build bridges between business and technology departments, but also between generations - because I am certain, that only by working hand in hand, a new direction can be achieved.

My main goal is to create a sense of momentum and raise awareness about how every company and product area can embrace customer centricity. I demonstrate the positive impact that the fostering of intrapreneurship can have on your customers and especially your employees.

Let's together initiate change and unleash the full potential of your company.

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