Dipl.-Ing. , M.B.A.Martin G. Bernhard

Mit Empathie, Industrieexpertise und Methodenkenntnis gemeinsam Ziele bis zur Umsetzung erreichen.


- Since Jan. 2017: Visiting Professor at the State University of Montes Claros, Brazil (3D printing
technologies, new business models with 3D printing, industrial & medical application areas )
- Since 1987: International management consultant
- Since 1997: Owner and managing director of ECG Management & Advisory Services
- Areas of expertise: strategy, organization, IT management, innovations management, 3D printing,
3D printing in Medicine, & longevity. and experiences from more than 150 consulting and interim
management projects
- (Co-)Author of 14 expert books, e.g. “Report Balanced Scorecard”, “Strategic IT Management”, “Service
Level Management”, “IT Service Management and Outsourcing”, “Data Waste Management”, etc.
- Since more than twenty years speaker at international conferences and seminars (more than 500 presentations).
- Since 2014: Research Area Longevity: Gene Theraphies, Blue Zones, Medicine, Tools, Pathways into the
Future, Business Models
- 2010 - 2014: Managing director of an internet art gallery
- 2000 - 2011: Managing director of a publishing platform
- Served in advisory councils and supervisory board functions (profit and non profit organisations).
- 2007 - today: Guest lecturer in the M.B.A. program at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.
- Prior to ECG: more than five years with Arthur D. Little International and three years with Prof. Dr.
Helmut Baumgarten (logistic and innovations management projects, TU Berlin).
- Ademic education: industrial engineering (Telecommunication & Economy TU Berlin) and
MBA (CU Seattle).
- Hobbies: Table tennis:
- formerly player of the second federal table tennis devision in Germany
- 1984: Bronze Badge of the Berlin Table Tennis Association
- Participation in world table tennis championships, e.g. 2010 in Hohhot, China
- since July 2018: Ambassador for the World Senior Games
- Oct. 2018: World Senior Games Table Tennis Double Champion (Gold Medal)
- Oct. 2019: World Senior Games Table Tennis Double Vice Champion (Silver Medal) and Men Single (55-59) Bronce Medal

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