Jutta Horstmann

Geschäftsführerin, eyeo GmbH


Jutta is Managing Director (COO, CTO) at eyeo, the company behind the single most popular browser extension ever developed: Adblock Plus.
As a computer science graduate with 20 years of experience in the IT sector, she founded her own software development company and grew it over a decade.
She then moved into IT consultancy and organizational transformation, bringing this experience to eyeo since 2017.

Jutta provides a strong and broad technical background, comprehensive expertise in organizational design, agile transformation, change management, business management, transition management, and business development. She built and led cross-functional teams, driving successful projects in the corporate and public sector.
Strong social skills coupled with in-depth technical expertise enable best-in-breed consulting and
custom-fit solutions.
Jutta is also a frequent speaker at conferences and events.

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